Education 4 Her


Adolescent refugee girls in Kampala encounter numerous barriers to education, including language challenges affecting active participation, financial constraints leading to school dropouts, vulnerability to gender-based violence causing fear and irregular attendance, cultural norms prioritizing early marriage over education, trauma-induced mental health challenges affecting concentration, the absence of tailored educational programs exacerbating disadvantage, discrimination and stigmatization hindering inclusion, and a lack of awareness about available educational opportunities preventing enrollment.



AORW-U is set to provide support by delivering Learning Materials to 1000 refugee schoolgirls and didactic materials to 10 schools (both primary and secondary) in Kampala, Uganda. This assistance is designed to guide children towards self-discovery, instill self-belief, impart meaning to their lives, bridge literacy gaps, and empower them for lasting success. Concurrently, Sensitization Programs on Gender-Based Violence in School will be conducted across the same 10 schools to mitigate the risk of various forms of violence, creating a safer environment, enhancing self-esteem, and fostering mutual respect. Moreover, the establishment of #Education$Her Clubs for Life Skills will take place in functional schools, aiming to enhance the psychosocial well-being and welfare of girls in school.



By providing learning materials and didactic support to refugee schoolgirls and schools in Kampala, the initiative seeks to create a lasting positive influence on the educational journey of these girls. Through increased access to educational resources, the project aims to contribute to higher literacy rates, improved academic performance, and enhanced overall educational experiences for the targeted refugee schoolgirls. The Sensitization Programs on Gender-Based Violence in School are anticipated to create a safer and more respectful educational environment, reducing the incidence of violence and fostering a culture of mutual respect among students in the long run. The establishment of #Education4Her Clubs for Life Skills is designed to have a sustained impact on the psychosocial well-being of girls, providing them with valuable life skills that can positively influence their personal and academic growth over the years. In the broader context, the project aspires to contribute to breaking the cycle of barriers to education for adolescent refugee girls in Kampala, paving the way for improved educational outcomes and empowering them to shape a more promising future for themselves and their communities.

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